Home Education at Daws Hall
We offer affordable, high quality sessions open to all home educated children on a flexible, pay per session basis. Our current programme of sessions focuses on a range of topics changing with the seasons. These are designed for children aged between 6 and 13 years old, in line with the Key Stage 2/3 national curriculum. Summaries of upcoming sessions are below.
The cost per session is £8 per participating child. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
If necessary, siblings out of the session age range are permitted but there is a fee of £2.50 for each additional child.
For more information about our home education sessions, please contact the team via education@dawshallnature.co.uk
Wednesday 26th February 1.00 - 3.00pm
Pond Dipping
Join us for an Pond dip. Identify animals using identification sheets and keys. Look for adaptations, food chains and examine your best catch under a microscope.
More sessions coming soon!